I've done again. I've bought some stationary without control. This time, I've bought on-line way. I made the mistake to enter in www.papernation.co.uk and that was my downfall. I'm went crazy and I started buying all sort of things. It's all so beautiful... I can't get enough. I've bought a sweet tags with glitter and a lot of stickers. I was very excited when finally I could open my package. Oh! There was so many beautiful things!!
Lo he hecho otra vez. He comprado algunas cosas de papelería sin control. Esta vez ha sido vía web. Cometí el "error" de entrar en www.papernation.co.uk y esa fue mi perdición. Me volví loca y empecé a comprar todo tipo de cosas. Es todo tan bonito... Nunca tengo suficiente. He comprado unas etiquetas con purpurina y muchas pegatinas. Estaba tan contenta cuando or fin he podido abrir mi paquete... Oh! Había tantas cosas bonitas!!!
And then someone has asked to me, And all of this... for what? And I've had to say... Ok, I don't know buuuuttt...... It's sooo cuteeeee...... You know... [*]
Y entonces alguien me ha preguntado, y todo esto ¿para qué? Y he tenido que decir... Vale, no lo sé peeerooooo..... es tan monoooooo.... Ya sabes... [*]